
Archirivolto is an industrial design and architectural studio founded by Claudio and Marco Pocci in 1983. While studying architecture, Claudio and Marco created a group of theatrical experimentation with a few friends.
During their partnership, they chose to deal with design, and their interest in theater arts significantly influenced the setting of a new study: creativity, sense of reality, respect, and care for the public. They were interested in understanding the production world and the market and started managing a shop of designer furniture.
As well as studying the home environment, Archirivolto is dedicated to experimenting the world of electronics and architecture: in addition to tables, chairs, stools, upholstered furniture and lighting, the studio has designed numerous products for daily use, but also villas and public places.
Archivolto interprets design as beauty, harmony, and freedom: it cannot be bound by established strict rules or be a privilege of a cultural or social elite. A designer must create beauty for everyone and attract an increasing number of people.
From the collaboration with Midj, the Liù collection was designed.